Watch Your Favorite Movies Online for Free

 There is something about movies in general that make them so popular. There are so many movie lovers out there, who want to enjoy every movie that comes out, regardless of the genre or the actors starring in it. Movies are so well-loved by everyone.

It's a form of art that everyone seems to enjoy. Not everyone can understand sculpture or paintings, but with movies, the artistry is so vast that everyone has a genre they love and enjoy. The breath-taking scenes, witty lines, beautiful speeches, special effects, the entire cinematic experience can include all of this in one single movie.

It is not just about the movies, but a community that forms out of love for them it is a shared experience. As much as you may enjoy it, watch by yourself, in the comfort of your home, you are not alone but watching it with so many other people sharing the same interest. And for those few hours, you find yourself escaping reality. Sometimes a good distraction is all it takes to get on track and get on with life. It's a hobby you can enjoy a lot and never get bored of. There's something new to watch, and sometimes even re-watch the movies you love to watch. It is about how movies make you feel, even just for a few hours. And most of the time, you will find yourself learning new things or finding out new information, new ideas, new motivation, all from a movie.

From a long time in history, movies have been known to provide escapism and a sense of relationship with the story it shows, the character whose lives are shown, and much more.

It is the beauty of cinema that a person who has never been in a fight relates so much to a movie like "The Godfather", enjoys it so much.

The story shown in movies are nothing but another part of reality, sometimes a little far-fetched, sometimes right there, at the cusp of reality. While filmmakers like Martin Scorsese make us more aware of the harsh realities of life and the world we live in, filmmakers like Christopher Nolan provide an absolute pleasure in another version of that reality. Movies, in their entirety, provide an escape to the people watching, an escape into a different world, into the world they're watching, into the lives of the characters in the movie. Movies pleasure all their light-heartedness and beauty, while books ask you to imagine a particular scenic beauty in your head, a movie provides the most gorgeous version of that exact same scenery. For movie lovers, the relationship between them and the movies they watch is more than a relationship. It's a bond. A bond gives them freedom, power, strength, love, and most importantly, a little perspective about other's lives. In movies, a person learns all the important lessons, anything we hear can be forgotten, but something that we've seen once is embedded in our brain, like a parasite. It's nearly impossible to get that idea of beauty and learning out of it.

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